hi guys, ini aku lagi ngiter2, trus ketemu bebrp websites yg mayan bagus buat ice-breakers ato games2 yg lari2 buat outreach gitu ato pun games2 buat perkenalan..

1. http://wilderdom.com/games/Icebreakers.html
itu di bawahnya ada bebrp links lg ke website2 laen yg ada icebreakers jg..

2. http://improvencyclopedia.org/games/index.html
ini ada games bnyk bgttttt dr A - Z, bersabarlah kalo mau dapet yg bagus.. baca aja satu2 hehe..

3. http://www.residentassistant.com/games/icebreakers.htm
ini lumayan bisa dipake2 games nya tp mesti di improv2 dikit2 gitu.. gak bisa ambil mentah hehe..

4. http://www.group-games.com/
ini ada bebrp common games yg kita pake..

hope this helps, gak bakal kekurangan games lagi dhe buat acara2 kita hehehe..

Merry x'mas and happy new year buat semua di YA Zone yaaaaa... :)

Dr Bernard Ricardo Impacting the young Generation

Announcement, GOOD news to all Yazone brothers and sisters. One of our Top Energetic ,powerful speaker ,cutting-edge cell group leader Bernard Ricardo has been impacting and transforming the young generation. leading W413 , W484 , W485. Bernard's group has been growing tremendously.Under his care and his group multiply from 10 people to 45. Praise the lord for his impactful testimony and his sacrifice. This is his time. his glory and keep penetrating ,changing life....

Brothers and sisters lets support and join Bernard cell group
Venue and time
W413 FRIDAY 7.30pm @NTU

W485 FRIDAY 7.30pm @NTU

W484 SUNDAY 10am @ Clementi Ave 1

who would ever guess what started out as a fellowship cg for s42 on 12 October at Plaza Singapura Kopitiam, became the start of a great journey ahead? the past one month has been a hectic one for s42 and w393 as we set ourselves ready to embrace the incoming secondary school students from Indonesia.

we have never done it before. we have never thought about it before. yes, this is the birth of something new, the beginning of greater things to come, all of us are united to set our hearts to do the impossible, to mark history on 9 November 2008. what we failed to do in June when we were supposed to embrace the incoming students for the language school, we never wanted to repeat it again. the preparation was a long one, with Menny, Albert Arron, Brian and Ivonne brainstorming the whole programmes for the day; Eveline, Andre Jusuf, Timothy, Iva, Nico, Samuel Rocky, Stella and many others who kept inviting the new friends to come. from the ice-breakers, groupings, games, venues, clues, props for games, prizes, briefings, debriefs, facilitators' guidebook, game masters' guidebook, team guidebook, maps, every little detail were taken care of. well, it was not easy, i must say, because it was our first time, but we learned many things from this process.

what started out as a small discussion .... became the resounding success of our first ever mass outreach - Central d'Explorer, reaching to 60 happy souls - 1 Overall Supervisor, 6 Group Leaders, 3 Assistant Leaders, 4 Members, 8 Game Masters and an incredible total of 38 new friends.

what we set our hearts to do, we can surely accomplish it. yes, we can. (hehehe..)

the morning was a gloomy and dark one, pouring with rain till afternoon. we were worried but we prayed and kept believing that "when we have done our best, God will do the rest for us". the rain stopped at 130pm, it was our exact meeting time. God surely did wonders for us.

the day started with a briefing by Andre, and promptly we divided the people into 6 teams, comprising of 6-9 members in each group. we led the groups to self-introduction and ice-breakers, followed by creating a team name and team cheers for ourselves, all revolving around the theme of Superheros. there were team names like Kungfu Panda, Hancock, Fantastic 8, etc.

at 230pm, we left the meeting point and journeyed to the various places - Raffles Statue/Asian Civilizations Museum, Merlion Park, Esplanade Rooftop and Clark Quay. It was a great bunch of fun as we led the freshmen around, introducing them to the tourist attractions in Singapore along the way. We even got ourselves a treat of free Conello Ice Cream right in front of the Museum. The weather was warm, the journey was long, but everyone enjoyed each other's company, made lots of new friends and had much fun exploring the tiny Singapore island for the first time. The games were packed with fun and many challenges as we tried to outdo each other.

Team 1 - Menny

Team 2 - Eveline

Team 3 - Iva & Edo

Team 4 - Timothy

Team 5 - Brian & Stella

Team 6 - Rocky & Ivonne


At Merlion - Build-A-Castle

At Esplanade - Tick-Tack-Boom

At Clark Quay - We are Narcist!!!

God has surely done His part in bringing so many of us together. and we truly want to thank God for the great weather, the great fun and the great impact that we can bring to the people. This event will also not be successful without the support of our ZS ko Yohandi, many of the leaders and members who prayed and supported us, and especially to every single individual from s42 and w393. thank you for all the sweat, the effort, the energy, the money, the blood, the time, the sacrifice you put in. This event is just the start of a great journey ahead, the process after is what makes it all count. s42, w393 and the rest of the YA zone, let's rise up to the occassion, the harvest is always plenty but the laborers are few, let's together rise and work for the harvest. and let's end the year with great reapings. God bless!

Hi guys^^
Thank you for all the prayers:)
At 16.45 today (9/9/2008) Ko Yohandi's son was born^^
More on this coming up..
Please do congratulate Ko Yohandi if you see him or simply just sms him :)

Check out the pictures :)
He looks just like Ko Yoh =P

Below would be courtesy of Jessica Marchia =P


Congratulations Ko^^

Hi all. Just wanna share my experience donating my blood couple months ago. That was my very first time... it wasn't painful! =) i do encourage you guys to donate your blood. You know Jesus shed His blood for us, why don't we make a difference by donating our blood and help others? :)

this is my fresh blood... it will save 3 life! =)

cyndy - s43

Something to laugh about


Another Extravaganza

Compilation of funny ads

Enjoy you guys^^

Hi YA zoner! so glad finally I can contribute something to this blog! hahaha...thanks to Ishak.
I just want to share my (our) exp in SOT 2008. It was exciting!

Even though we have a lot of assignments, Bible reading that have to be completed in 5 months, group projects, morning prayer meeting (the toughest 4 me..TT), and a lot of examinations, but it was exciting!

Not just the head-knowledge, skill or becoming Bible scholar

YES! They are important,
but for me

it was
(Pst Kong, Pst Ming, Pst, Tan, Pst Mike, basically all the pastor that thought us!)

(I have a lot of new best frens, guys and girls, locals and international)
great to know different people with different culture and personality...

its talking about m.a.t.u.r.i.t.y
I realized, maturity is not talking about what you like or you dont like, your personality or your appearance
maturity is talking about responsibility
think about it!

some photos:

and some 'evidence' photos.....

hahaha...xp dont worry, it was taken during the break! they are good student indeed...^^

Last but not least,

CONGRATZ for all Indo-SOT 2008!

You have sowed and sowed sowed..
You went through 500 hours of lesson, 9 book reviews, 5 months of bible reading, 5 preaching tests and various trials..
You were sent into the mission field changing lives..
You served in the ministry..
You have endured through..
You persisted through..
You went from glory to glory..
You went from breakthrough to breakthrough..
You have learned more of the ways of God..

And finally after these life-altering, equipping and exciting 5 months..

Alderina Gracia
Andre Jusuf
Ane Nataliawati
Diaz Adi Utama
Edward Cahyono
Evelyn Djuhari
Heny Ln
Kennie Lemuel Tjahyono Bahagio
Kevin Lumoindong
Linda Megawati
Lusiana Saputra
Mediyacub Prabowo
Menny Setiawan
Renata Triani
Yoanna Kurnianingsih
Yosua Gunawan

Matthew 25 : 21
"Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord."

Morning Prayer

Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.

Morning prayer! well, its tough for me myself to wake up at 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning. But let's make an effort to come and pray. what are you waiting for?? starbucks voucher also waiting for you if you keep faithful attending this morning prayer at least 5 times =)

see ya around..


Hello again! We have another new cellgroup, S42! Wonderful works of God will come upon this cellgroup through menny setiawan. Proud of you sister, we will keep you in prayer ^^
praise God!


Hi bro n sis. These are 3 photos of W394 before we multiplied. So glad to announce y'all that we have a new cell group which is S43!!! ko yohandi will be leading us through. praise the Lord!

we're looking forward also for some photos from Menny's new cellgroup, S42. We are waiting! =)

cecil, katerine, sandra, lidya


ikha tertawa bahagia ^^

group #1 yin & yang
team leader = yonathan yanuar

group #2 kungfu hustle
team leader = cecilia setiawan & novia ratna

group #3 watermelon jutsu >,<"
team leader = jesslyne lie & lidya willy

group #4 kamehameha -.-"
team leader = marvelina & ikha noviyanti

yin & yang cheer



wet wet wet

fountain of fun

yonathan basah kuyup >,<"

water baloon catch

water baloon catch

kennie and rico

-.-" do not try this at home
andre, evan, and rico


makan lagi..

makan lagi deh..